September 21, 2012

Paris 20th September 2012 - «Découverte» meeting

On 20th September 2012, the French member Association ANPA (Association Nationale des PME de l’Ascenseur) organised in Paris the «Découverte» meeting, focused on different topics related to the French and the European regulations in the lifts sector. In the morning, a private meeting was held between many members of the ANPA board and EFESME’s Vice President and Secretary General, respectively Mr. Massimo Bezzi and Mr. Giuseppe Iotti, supported by Mr. Luca Incoronato of Anacam, the Italian member Association. It was a very interesting debate on the functioning of the European Union Institutions, on the decision-making process at European level and on the role of standardisation in the lifts sector. The afternoon public meeting and seminar was addressed to the French lifts companies, both members and non-members of ANPA; some experts from national notified bodies also attended the meeting. A representative from the French Housing Ministry replied to many questions posed by the lifts entrepreneurs concerning the new Decree on the maintenance and checking of lifts, dated 7th May 2012, while the envoy from the INRS (the French Institute competent in the area of occupational risk prevention) made a comprehensive review on the work-related accidents registered in the lifts sector in France during the last years. Mr. Incoronato introduced EFESME to the French lifts companies, explaining the role and activities carried out by the Federation during the eight years from its foundation in 2004. The following day, the EFESME’s expert and consultant, Mr. Luciano Faletto, participated in a meeting with ANPA members and made a presentation on the standardisation issues concerning lifts’ energy efficiency. The French event kicked off a series of meetings which EFESME is planning to organise in various EU Member States with a view to promote EFESME among of other national associations. The next meetings will be scheduled in the first half of 2013 in Greece and in Spain.

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