- Eleven new hazards have been added: some of them are newly covered by EN 81-20, the others come from the experience acquired since the first publication of EN 81-80;
- Following the inclusion of the new hazards mentioned above, the drafters changed the numbering to keep a logical order of hazards in line with the sequence in EN 81?20:2014;
- The methodology for identifying the hazards, the evaluation of the hazardous situations and the risk levels, as well as the classification of priority levels including the filtering process, have all been moved to chapter 5;
- All technical requirements for protective measures have been incorporated in the checklist in the normative Annex A. The latter now combines the previous chapter 5 and the previous checklist in Annex A;
- The checklist also contains a column in which the risk levels and subsequent priority levels for items in compliance with EN 81?1/2:1998 or items upgraded according to EN 81?80:2003 are listed in relation to today’s state?of?the?art, according to EN 81?20:2018.