
EFESME's Technical Team, composed entirely of technical experts with a background from the SME world, is responsible for defining the Federation's position on those technical and engineering topics of greatest importance to lift SMEs.

The Technical Team actively participates in the work of the most relevant working groups within:

  • CEN TC 10 - Lifts, escalators and moving walks
  • ETSI Smart M2M
  • ISO TC 178 - Lifts, escalators and moving walks
  • Notified bodies for Lifts
  • European Commission Expert Group on Lifts and on Machinery

The technical team is in charge of drafting articles, studies and position papers, and of responding to consultations and initiatives of European institutions that may have an impact on the daily work of European lift SMEs.

In addition, the technical team works closely with the members of the Federation and, through them, is able to analyse and elaborate inputs and requests from the SMEs themselves, so that the demands and problems raised by the SMEs are taken into account at European level and in the most relevant working tables.

Meet the team

Luciano Faletto

Secreatry General & Experts Coordinator

Tiziano Caresani

Active in:

Marco Cogliati

Active in:

Ivan Ferrarini

Active in:

  • CEN TC 10 - Lifts, escalators and moving walks
    • WG 1 - Lifts and service lifts
    • WG 10 - Improvement of safety of existing lifts
    • Task Force HaS

Luca Incoronato

Giuseppe Iotti

Lars Odlen

Active in:

  • ISO TC 178 - Lifts, escalators and moving walks
    • WG 13 - New technologies

Paolo Tattoli

Active in:

  • ISO TC 178 - Lifts, escalators and moving walks
    • WG 4 - Safety requirements and risk assessment
    • WG 6 - Lift installation
    • WG 10 - Energy efficiency
  • European Commission Notified Bodies for Lifts

Check out our technical activities

Technical Committees Activities

  • EPD - Environmental Product
    Declarations / Eco-design

  • Commission Expert Group on Lifts

  • CEN/TC 10
    Lifts, escalators and moving walks

    • WG 1 – Lifts and service lifts
    • WG 10 – Improvement of safety of existing lifts
    • WG 13 – Vertical lifting appliances with enclosed carriers
    • Task Force Harmonised Standards (TF HaS)
  • European Coordination meetings of the Notified Bodies – Lifts

  • ISO/TC 178
    Lifts, escalators and moving walks

    • WG 4 – Safety requirements and risk assessment
    • WG 6 – Lift installation
    • WG10 – Energy efficiency
    • WG12 – Cybersecurity
    • AHG 1 – New technologies
  • ETSI Smart M2M

    • AHG Smart Lifts
  • Commission Expert Group
    on Machinery

  • CEN/TC 10
    Lifts, escalators and moving walks

  • Commission Expert Group on Lifts

  • EPD - Environmental Product
    Declarations / Eco-design

  • European Coordination meetings of the Notified Bodies – Lifts

  • Commission Expert Group on Machinery

  • ETSI Smart M2M

  • ISO/TC 178
    Lifts, escalators and moving walks

Upcoming Technical Meetings

ISO TC 178 / WG 4

With Paolo Tattoli

ISO TC 178 / WG 6

With Paolo Tattoli

EC Expert Group on Lifts

With Luca Incoronato & Giuseppe Iotti

More information HERE

EFESME aisbl
6, Rond-Point Schuman
7th Floor, c/o Confartigianato Imprese
B-1040 Brussels (Belgium)
T (+32) 2 230 7414
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