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March 15, 2019

13th March 2019 - EFESME Expert Meeting

The first EFESME Expert Meeting of this year took place in Roma, at the ANACAM premises, on the 13th of March 2019. The event was organized for the first time in January 2018, and in the last year and a half has become a very good and solid practice that the Federation intends to continue to follow with rigor and commitment. With each occasion, the Expert Meeting reveals itself to be an important and fundamental opportunity for exchange, for discussion and for sharing among the various experts involved in the different activities organized and pursued by EFESME and its members. This year edition saw the participation of President Massimo BEZZI and of the three EFESME Experts, Secretary General Luciano FALETTO, Mr Ivan FERRARINI and Mr Tiziano Caresani. Present as well were Mr Luca INCORONATO, Policy Officer of EFESME, and José Maria COMPAGNI, the Coordinator of the Spanish member of EFESME, FEPYMA. During the meeting, the experts discussed different topics, ranging from more political matters, such as the latest Eco-lifts stakeholders meeting and the contacts EFESME had with DG GROW, to technical matters, like EFESME participation to the activities of CEN and ISO. There was also the occasion to discuss the activities carried out within the SBS sectoral approach, and to further plan how to organize the work of EFESME in 2019. The various participants, in agreement with the vision proposed by President Bezzi in December of the last year, agreed to continue to analyse the potential of Digitalisation in the lift industry, its risks, and the interesting opportunities it creates for SMEs. The next meeting, which will be the perfect opportunity to draw the sums of what has been done so far and to further develop EFESME activities looking towards InterLift, is foreseen for this summer.

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