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August 30, 2021

ISEE campaign to acknowledge the lift industry

As part of EFESME's activity to promote new and interesting initiatives in support of the lift sector not only at European level, the Federation would like to bring to the attention of its readers an interesting initiative put in place in India to raise awareness of the lift sector.

Through a series of colourful and high-impact posters, in fact, ISEE wanted to remind the fundamental importance that the sector has played, in a constant and invisible way, to ensure that the world continued to move as well as possible even during the pandemic crisis.

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In the words of TAK Mathews, Director: “As humanity reeled under the onslaught of COVID-19, the world applauded the millions of essential services workers who tirelessly toiled to sustain us. We, rightfully so, clapped for the healthcare and support workers, sanitation workers, grocery staff, delivery boys, bus drivers, fire men, police force and so on.

Amidst all the applause and outpouring of gratitude, the world overlooked the hundreds of thousands of invisible hands who ensured the working of the elevators and escalators that sustain almost every aspect of our lives. Without the tag of essential services, elevator personnel rarely received priority for facilities and vaccinations or government support prioritised for designated essential service workers.

Unrecognised as essential, elevator mechanics have been charged for lock down violations as they moved from building to building and elevator to elevator to keep the world moving. There are mechanics who through their on-duty exposure have got infected and in turn infected their families and sadly have also succumbed to this deadly virus.

Recognising this reality and to right this grievous wrong, ISEE has launched the public campaign “ELEVATOR MECHANICS – You Keep The World Moving”. It is but a small step to urge the world to acknowledge the elevator mechanic who has been taken for granted.”

ISEE (International Sourcing Exposition for Elevators & Escalators) is a show being held in Mumbai. For further information please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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