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October 10, 2023

SBS Questionnaire - Criticalities in the application of EN 81-20 & EN 81-50

EFESME and SBS - Small Business Standards, with the support of their technical experts, have developed a questionnaire to understand which are the critical issues encountered by European SMEs in the lift sector when implementing the EN 81 series standards in their daily work.
EFESME and SBS are also looking to better understand what the needs of European SMEs are regarding the understanding and implementation of the main standards governing the lift sector, so that they can support them both in the CEN standards technical committees and with the European Commission.

The results of this questionnaire will be collected in a report that will be published online at the end of the year and sent to the European Commission as part of the activities carried out by SBS and EFESME.
The questionnaire is designed to be quick and easy to complete, takes only 5 minutes and is available in four languages (drop-down menu at the top right of the screen).
➡️ You can find the questionnaire here: QUESTIONNAIRE
The questionnaire will remain open until November 10th.

EFESME and SBS thank you all in advance for your precious support in this relevant study. 

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